Tuesday, December 20, 2016



Pitta is one among tridoshas of the body. The wide concept of pitta e can be represented by 3 root tap. i.e.
a) Tap Santape: heat Separating.
In modern concept tap Santape can be compared with cellular metabolism, producing body temperature.
b) Tap dahe: Burning of nutrition consumed Maybe all the enzymes, digestive juice
And secretion in digestion.
c) Tap aiswarya: The factors which make one achieve 8 kinds of benefits.


Pitta is what which do pachana karma.

Pitta and Agni
All matter in the universe made of panchabhootas. But naming is on the basis the predominant bhoota. So thejo bhootha (Agni) represents the pitta.

Since this Agni is continuously working inside the body, it is called antaragni (Internal fire). With the increase of pitta, the Agni becomes Tikshnagni, which quickly digest large quantities of food very quickly.

GUNAS (properties) of Pitta

As we told earlier Pitta has a predominance of Agnibhoota and their characters are associated with the properties of Agni.
1. Aushnyam (Warmness):- Warmness of the body is due to pitta & its Agni bhootha predominance. In cellular metabolism heat is released as a bye-product which can be compared with this.
2. Taikshnyam (Intensity):- This is the property of agneya dravya. This makes the pitta purusha tejaswi, krodhi & parabrahmi. They are unable to face sorrows. This can be compared with enzymes like lyzozyme which are extremely reactive, also immunological reactions.
3. Dravatvam (Fluidity):- Pitta has preponderance of Ap-bhoota. Hence pitta has Dravatvam. This Dravatvam causes the softening of the skin.
4. Saratvam (The property of flowing):- Pitta has got flowing property because of its dravatva guna.
5. Laghutvam (Lightness):- Due to the prominence of agni-bhoota, the pitta is light in action.
6. Sasneham/Raukshyam:- Sasneha guna of pitta is due to Ap & Pritvi bhootas. Raukshya guna of pitta was described by Susrutha.
7. Vaishadyam (Non-sticky):- This property was mentioned by Susrutha. Due to this property, pitta does aharapaka and dhatupaka.
8. Puti/Visragandhata (Fleshy smell):- This visragandha is seen in rakta and astava which are the seats of pitta.
9. Kadu-Tikta rasa (Pungent and bitter taste):- According to panchabhautik utpatti of rasas kadu-tikta rasas have the predominance of tejas, vayu and akasa which are also predominant in pitta. Hence these rasas increases pitta. During vidahda the rasa changes to amla.
10. Peeta varnatvam (Yellowish color):- Agni-bhoota’s natural color is peeta. Hence pitta is peeta in color. Hence the skin & nails of pitta purusha is yellow.
11. Satvagunatvam:- Pitta has importance of satvaguna. Hence Sharangadara mentioned pitta is satvagunottaram. This is why pitta purusha is highly intelligent.

STHANAS OF PITTA (Seats of Pitta)

Doshas are present in every cell of the body, but in some special places They found abundantly. Pitta is seen Predominantly in an area between umbilicus, Sweat, amashaya, lymph, blood, eyes and skin are seats of pitta. Pitta is predominant During middle age, midday, midnight and middle stage of digestion of food .


In general all doshas have different states : chaya ,prakopa & prasama.

Chaya (Sanchaya):- Is defined as increase of doshas in its own seats. Such a condition produces aversion to the factors which were the cause of increase and desire for the factors which have qualities opposite of those of dosha. Tikshna associated with ritu cause chaya of pitta. Pitta undergo chaya in varsha ritu.

Prakopa:- It is New movement of increased dosha even to the seats of other doshas. Such a condition causes manifestation of its own abnormal symptoms, loss of health & occurrence of diseases. Tikshna associated with ushna cause prakopa of pitta. Pitta undergo prakopa in sharat ritu.

Prasama:- It is the presence of doshas in their normal condition; in their on place giving rise to diseases. Manda associated with ritu causes Pitta prasama. Pitta undergoe prakopa in hemanta ritu.


Like vata and kapha, pitta do normal and abnormal functions in the body. When the karmas are normal they sustain the body and when they are abnormal (Vridhi/Kshaya) they destroy the body by producing diseases.

PITTAJA VIKARAS(Disorders produced by pitta)

Pitta which has increased residing in the twak produces small pox & chicken pox; residing in rakta it produces herpes & burning sensation in the muscles, it causes ulcers & purification, in the fat tissue it causes burning sensation, tumours, excess perspiration & thirst, in the bone it causes severe burning sensation in them, in the bone marrow it causes yellow coloration of the eyes & nails, residing in the reproductive tissue it imparts bad smell and yellowish color to it, invading in veins it produces angry mind & irrelevant talk, occupying the snayers it causes thirst, residing in the alimentary tract it produces toxicity, thirst, burning sensation & many other ailments.
The diseases produced by pitta are osha, plosha, dava, davathu, vidaha, antardaha, burning sensation in the skin in the shoulders, feeling of movement of hot fumes, feeling of sourness of belching, increase of body temperature, excess of perspiration, foul smell of the body, weakness of the organs, increase of moisture on the blood & in the muscles, putrefaction of skin, muscles, cracks in the skin, appearance of red colored rashes, boils & patches, bleeding disease, green, yellow or blue discoloration tumor in the axilla, jaundice, bitter taste in mouth, smell of iron in the mouth, bad smell in the mouth, severe thirst, lack of contentment, ulcers in the mouth, throat, eyes, rectum and urethra, fear of death, entering into darkness (Coma), greenish & yellowish discoloration of the eyes, urine and faeces.

PITTA UPAKRAMAS( Treatment for pitta):-

The treatment for pitta are drinking of ghee, mild purgations with drugswhich are sweet, bitter and astringent taste, use of food with this qualities, use of scent which are mild, pleasant, cold and the agreeable, comfortable touch by woman who are liked weariang garlands of pearls, gems, diamonds, stones etc, remaining inside a room the floors,doors, windows and walls of which are being frequently sprayed with water. Music company of friends who are umrestrained,……….., ghee, milk, purgations, all kinds of cold comfort and greeshmacharya are to be made use of specially.


Pitta is fire itself as born from fire, hence persons having predominance of pitta, have very thirst and hunger, are white and warm in body, possess coppery red palms, soles and face; are brave and proud, have brown & scanty hairs are found of woman, garland, perfumeries ; are of good behaviour, clean, affectionate to dependents, desirous of gandeoue, adventurous have mental power of facing fear & enemity; highly intelligent, possess very loose lean joints & muscles, do not like woman, possess less of semen and sexual desire, possess grey hair, ringles and blue patches on the skin, consumes food which is sweet, astringent, bitter and cold, hates sunlight and heat, perspire heavily, emit bad smell from the body, expel faeces frequently, have more anger, eating and drinking jealously; while in sleep dream of flowers of karnikara and palasa, forest fire, meteors, lightening, thunderbolt, bright sunrays and fire, their eyes are smwll brown, steady with thin and few eyelashes; eyes desirous of cold comfort, becoming red, very quick by anger, drinking wine and exposure to sunlight. Persons of pitta prakruthi are of medium life span and medium strength, highly learned, afraid of discomfort and resembles in behaviour animals like tiger, deer, ape, cat and yaksha.


Pitta is the internal fire. It maintains the normal state of other doshas. Pitta is satvagunottaram. It gives intelligence, memory, discriminating power etc. Pitta in manas gives mental power, in skin gives lusture ,in eyes give visual sensation. It forms blood, it regulates body temperature, it digests food. In general all functions of body depends on pitta. Hence it has to be maintained in normal state.

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